

General Reading

A General Reading in tarot provides a broad overview of various aspects of life, offering insights and guidance without focusing on a specific question. It offers holistic understanding and potential influences of your present circumstances.


Relationship Reading

A relationship tarot reading helps explore and understand the dynamics of a romantic connection using tarot cards, offering insights into the strengths, challenges, and potential outcomes of the relationship.


Career Reading

A career tarot reading in tarot provides insights and guidance into your professional path, helping individuals gain clarity on their career decisions, challenges, potential opportunities and outcomes.


Wellness Reading

In a wellness tarot reading, tarot cards are interpreted to offer suggestions on maintaining a positive lifestyle. Understanding potential energy blockages, balancing and promoting overall wellness.


Yes or No

A Yes or No Tarot Reading is like asking a specific question and pulling cards to get a straight answer—either positive or negative—based on the cards' symbolism and intuition. It's a quick and straightforward way to find answers to simple questions


Remedy Reading

Remedy reading in tarot involves seeking guidance on solutions or actions to address current challenges or concerns, offering a path for positive change and personal growth.


Multiple Choice Reading

A Multiple Choice Reading in tarot is like seeking solutions for decisions with several options and drawing cards to gain insights into the potential outcomes or influences related to each choice. It helps provide guidance when faced with dilemmas.


Angel Oracle Reading

An Angel Oracle Reading involves consulting angel-themed cards to receive divine guidance and insights, offering spiritual perspectives and messages to support personal growth and decision-making. It's a practice that taps into angelic energies for inspiration and encouragement.

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